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1. General regulations


  1. This Regulation aims to standardize the elements of the V4 Cup Sighthounds Lure Coursing Trophy.

  2. The designation “Lure Coursing events” may be used only for events, which have been authorized by the FCI/CdL in the calendar year stated.

  3. The designation „V4 Calendar" means the basic list of coursings of which V4 Cup is consisted in the calendar year stated.

2. The course of the V4 Cup


  1. In principle, all Sighthounds breeds (group 10) are admitted. Breeds from group 5 (limited to Pharao Hound, Cirneco, Podenco Ibicenco and Podenco Canario) are admitted.

  2. The hounds defined in paragraph 2.1 need to participate on minimum 3 Lure Coursing events from V4 Calendar in 3 different countries.

  3. Whippet or Italian Greyhound contends during the V4 Cup Coursing season in this category in which he started on his the first coursing in this season. 

  4. Each dog will have points depending up the numbers of dogs at the start: the first dog will have so points as the numbers of dogs at the start. The last dog will have one point. 

  5. In final classification are counted the 5 highest numbers of points obtained on Lure Coursing events which the dog absolved.

  6. The dog which obtained the highest number of points will get title “V4 Cup Winner + year”.

  7. The title is awarded separately for males and females in each breed.

  8. The Final Ceremony will be on the last Lure Coursing event in V4 Calendar.

  9. However if the result is still equal, there are next criterions in the following sequence of importance:

  • The dog having participated min. 1 coursing in each of all countries (SVK, CZ, PL, HU),

  • The dog having participated the higher number of coursing events,

  • The dog having obtained the higher number of points of all his coursings,

  • The dog having better placing on the last Slovak Lure Coursing event in V4 Calendar.

3. Organization


  1. The club can cooperate on V4 Cup only when it makes Lure Coursing events in one of these countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia.

  2. Each of Clubs has to send its dates of Lure Coursing events into the V4 Calendar. The deadline is 15.12. calendar year before.

  3. The Club can send only the Lure Coursing event which is in the FCI coursing calendar in the said calendar year.

  4. The V4 Calendar will be published on V4 website in time.

  5. Each club gives 30 € of its Lure Coursing event to V4 organizator. 

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